From the last time Pkcod create articles about backlinks there have been plenty of changes that occur. Indeed, the last few months there is a lot of the latest developments of SEO google
is very interesting. At the start of the google toolbar last 2 years, until completely closing of the Google toolbar
This does not mean pagerank
no longer exists. Google just make it a closed and can not be known by the Internet community. So activists SEO switched
to the output parameters of MOZ, which AUTHORITY PAGE
. Backlinks are links from another website or domain which when clicked will open our website or domain. If you want to get traffic
from search engines such as Google, Bing, et al, the backlink is a must. especially if you play in a commercial keywords
that are usually hard competition.
The biggest problem at the moment is Google really appreciate the quality and not just quantity. The days where you look for tens of thousands of backlinks in the hope of mastering a keyword weight
of the past. Google now has been emphasizing on the quality of backlinks rather than just the number of backlinks. So the main focus is to get backlinks from relevant and authoritative pages high. Broadly speaking internet community divides way to get backlinks into two major groups, namely:
So actually there is no such thing as white hat and black hat SEO is just a popular term only. SEO is the correct technique while SEO is the term for violation of webspam. Why should arise whose name webspam techniques?Since SEO is becoming increasingly hard competition, the more expensive and more time consuming. It is more difficult in Indonesia, because Indonesia very few who can and want to play SEO correctly. So the Indonesian internet community as psychological brought the masses to play webspam .... So for those of you who are ready to learn SEO in the toughest process, now I will explain how to do both of these techniques to get backlinks.
Getting Backlinks With SEO Offpage
How to get quality backlinks using the correct SEO offpage techniques is to make your site well known and reputable. The most powerful way to do this is by promoting your website in various media. There are many ways that you can do to make your website well-known, but the most commonly made by people is:
- Installing a sponsored post on Social Media
- Diligent played in the group or niche forums that correspond to your website and answer the questions of people by making your site as a reference.
- Creating video content or controversial and provoking the viral effect.Postings are excited today very easily become viral on social media.But do not follow tacky like many media today are little bit install splashy headlines, or news commotion, or citizens in an uproar, et al.Not a furore in the title I mean, but the weight of the contents should make a person reading an uproar.
- And if you are strong enough funds, Advertise on TV
Whether by doing the above you will get a backlink? Not necessarily, but the tendency will be to review your website in their web, and that's when you get a backlink.
The biggest obstacle in getting backlinks to "TRUE"
Why get backlinks correctly it is very difficult? People Indonesia has not been sincere enough to give you a backlink dofollow. So only a small fraction of backlinks that you will get DoFollow this nature. The good news is that little backlink this, nature is very relevant, and therefore the point is quite large. Another obstacle in getting backlinks is, not all niche website according to made into a splashy news and viral. For example, websites that focus on selling the car very difficult to make a splashy news, because there is nothing surprising from niche this one. Selling cars there are many, and all of them offer the same features .... Unless the owner dare to divide its 10 free cars, well certainly excited. But it would also be very expensive promotional costs. Probably still much to produce if the money used to advertise on TV. This is what makes many people to give up playing in the correct SEO system because it is very old or very expensive. While the majority of website owners in Indonesia is not in the market that can generate profits that offset the cost of the promo or the length of the process is needed.
How To Get Backlinks categorized Webspam
Backlink Quality Criteria
Before you learn how to get backlinks by way of webspam cheaper and quicker shows the results (especially in culture netter Indonesia). First you must know the criteria of quality backlinks .... for the safety of your website later.
Dofollow intention is to give you a full point of backlinks, be it points relevance, keyword points, and also points the page. Only backlink dofollow which can give you the points to improve pagerank, and also the authority of the domain. That needs to be your record; nofollow although it did not give points for you, many SEO practitioners are still working in order to look natural backlink profile.
Anchor text should vary
Many novice bloggers that target keywords that are short in numbers large percentage. This happens because of ignorance and also because of the desire to quickly master keyword expensive, without knowing the technique and composition backlink search is good and safe. What happens is stranded in the sandbox. Try to get there you anchor text that exceeds the percentage of 15% - 18% in order to keep your website secure.
Source domain diverse
Natural backlink profile is a backlink that comes from many different domains. So you try to not get too many backlinks from the same domain, except that you link sitewide nature or installed in a whole web page. Too many backlinks from one domain to the same page; often the cause of someone penalty from Google Penguin.
IP website backlinks from diverse sources
Apart from having come from diverse domains, backlinks should also be derived from many different websites IP. Why did it happen? Because the first of many webmasters who bought the domain from a server to accumulate backlinknya. So after the IP address diversity factor website backlink sources into a single parameter to assess the naturalness of backlinks. That still I did not understand at the moment is a lot of people who spin their own IP addresses when performing installations backlink?Why do not need to be like that? In the web page there is no data IP address of the advertiser comment, and Google also did not send a robot to explore the log data from the website.
diversity TLD
Top Level Domains are commonly read as .com, .info, .net, etc. This diversity can also increase the naturalness of your website. But one thing you should know, look for many TLD is intended only for naturalness only and no TLD points greater than the other. If someone says that backlinks from .edu or .gov TLD is better, then I tell you that it is a hoax 100%.Google itself claims that they treat .edu and .gov TLD same as the others.Hoax SEO emerges from the west because people are getting backlinks from .edu or .gov website turned out to be a big boost in their rankings. But it actually happened not because of the influence .edu or .gov, but as is usually the site as it is a community site that has many pages, but few links out. This phenomenon was booming because it was newly introduced rel = nofollow and many websites are not accustomed to using , or indeed a web manager that provides backlinks for academic reasons .... But the fact today is almost all wear nofollow .edu, nearly all admin monitored, and if there are still open to spam would have been overrun and the point so small.Altogether nothing special to spend time looking for a .edu or .gov.
This is a factor that makes backlink give maximum points to our website. If you can get a backlink from a page that does discuss the same issues with your website, then it will be a very strong driver of the rankings.
Page Authority (PA)
This is the output value Moz which roughly indicates that the page has many backlinks or get a lot of points from reputable pages in that domain.Maps with high PA is considered to have a lot of points to be given if you have successfully installed your backlink.
One way
Good backlinks is not a one-way backlinks and reciprocal or berbalasan or two directions. This two-way backlinks been a trend in the current Internet link exchange is a popular way to get backlinks. Reciprokal link is currently classified as a link scheme that can be most easily detected by the algorithm Google, so you should avoid this.
Methods to Get Backlinks
For webspam this method there are many ways you can do to get backlinks.But I'll include some of the different ways the most popularly used here.ONCE AGAIN I REPEAT THAT THE MANNER IN BELOW THIS INCLUDES LINKS SCHEME AND VIOLATE THE RULES OF GOOGLE AND CAN fruitful penalty from ALGORITHM GOOGLE, IF YOU FAIL TO DO POINTS OF CRITERIA BACKLINK qUALITY AVAILABLE oN. the means below is still a technique that is used internationally, even backlinko and moz itself still continue researching this technique and agree that this is still very successful for them. So please read carefully.
Guest Posts
This is the method in which you create a blog posting on other people who do allow you to post your articles on their blog. Basically very difficult to find blogs that open guest post in Indonesia, because not many people do it. But if you want to make your blog into a blog that receives guest post, then you must apply the standards for your security, that article must be qualified and indeed quite a length of more than 500 words, relevant to your blog, and if it could also have internal links to your own web pages. As for those of you who want to do a guest post, then make sure you also choose a blog that is strong enough. The point is that blogs have quite a lot of articles and regularly updated, so that the guest activity your blog look natural, and you are not in vain wrote a lengthy article.
Paid Review
Method paid link scheme is one which is not favored by Google and you can only do it safely if you ask him to blogs that do not open a paid review.Although Google does not allow this, but paid actually still exist around us even mostly the culprit is a big business. You should not ask for paid reviews to sites that sell the same products as you, because they are competitors, then you will be rejected flatly raw. Try to "seduce" them to discuss matters relating to your topic, but not selling. You can start to seduce or to submit a proposal via a comment on their blog. Suppose you are a store that sells Nikon or Canon, you can ask all those who have a photography blog to write a review about your website with keywords that you requested .... Price blog reviews that should the number of articles in the blog was multiplied 500-1000. So if the blog you can serve has 200 articles, the cost review that you offer or that you can afford in the range of 100,000 to Rp 200,000 per article, try to bargain at the price of 100,000, and if the blog owner ask for an increase, then you can restrict it at 200,000 (unless your fortune and your excess was sincere) Note you have to control the diversity of keywords with an order of keywords that you target in different variations. Let's assume you hold a SEO contest with a reward of $ 5 million, then you can buy paid as much as 25 to 50 paid on the blog that is DOMAIN AUTHORITY is high. Why not wear any SEO contest? Because the keyword of SEO contest is very difficult to make diverse, and basically if you look closely, many implementing SEO contest that did not get the grades they expected. That's because the contestants are rarely relevant blog or specialize in the topic of the contest. Usually they muddle nichenya blog, so the points are not strong relevance.
blog Commenting
This is a technique that is targeting pages that already have a high PA and DA and provides fields for comment. The problem is not many bloggers are willing to wait to hunt page with DA and PA high who provide dofollow comments field. From the experience of opening the course a year ago, 100 people only 10 people who hold through the process of selecting a domain one by one and find out how to comment on the website. To find a website that provides commentary DoFollow of pages authoritative high, usually you have to master the technique footprint. In executing this technique you have to complete your Firefox browser by using addons Mozbar and NoDoFollow. Mozbar you use to see authority in Google's search results, and NoDoFollow you use to see if a link in the comments are dofollow or nofollow. You could try googling REGISTER footprint BACKLINK DoFollow, to find examples footprint and how to use them. But I tell you of this, not all websites have opened the comments column, and not all DoFollow. You still must select the two addons above, and you've pretty great if you can find 6 domains per day.
Creating a Profile Page
This one is actually a technique commonly used but lazy me explain in detail because really this one technique there is no point in pushing your rank. So the bottom line on this technique you look for websites that provide registration where you can register and enter the data of your website .... that's it
Using Backlink Services
Using the services of a backlink is a method of getting backlinks without hassle. It's just that you should ensure that your backlink services understand the finer points of a quality backlink and secure. At least if backlinknya useless, you also do not get a penalty. I myself would encourage bloggers to seek backlinknya own, because obviously trikmudahseo can not help all bloggers, and we also do not know where the backlink services out there that goes wrong in looking for backlinks. The service backlink High Pagerank intended only for website owners who are too busy, and the time can be used to generate more money again, rather than having to sit for hours looking for backlinks. The technique most produce in the service backlink is usually a dummy accompanied by blog commenting, because this combination produces the most points. Do not say this as webspam techniques, because whatever technique you are doing to generate backlinks engineering, it all is webspam. You have to be skilled to use all of the above techniques, and you also have to consider how much budget optimization you have.
Threads in Forum
In the forums, besides you can create a profile page you can also create a thread in which there your link. But always remember that the pages of thread or profile, or dummy, is the new pages that low point. You must back them up with comments on the web pages of authority if you got the relevant points.
dummy Blog
Dummy blog is one technique that has long been used. Where you create web pages in your blog or website provider for free, such as blogger, wordpress, Jimdo, bravenet, penzu, tumblr, etc. That should be your concern is this dummy web sites should routinely perform the update. So each time you post a new article on your main blog, then it is highly recommended to perform updates on dummy dummy-you .... might ask .... if my dummy No 100, means 100x update huh? The answer is yes, and indeed it was very busy. It's still pretty reasonable to do for those who develop a blog with a niche, but with lots of niche blogs will trouble the technique used.
Want to backlinks naturally it could be long or expensive. So provide your time or your money in very large quantities. But if you want a quick and inexpensive, then the path is available only webspam, mastered all of the criteria used to secure backlinks, if you want to do this one technique .... Btw, create a website whose content quality as well, so that you do not sia- optimization results drain. Too bad if your site is crowded, but go directly to the fuzzy .... there is no ad clicks, no sales, or no increase visitor .... Unless you lovers AGC that onpage also webspam.
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