White Hat SEO
is a practice of ethical approach in link building where your main goal is to participate on the websites you will link your site to such as contributing your knowledge through commenting, guest blogging, article posting and forum posting.
Rules in White Hat SEO
1. Do not duplicate content of a webpage.
2. Do not submit a URL twice on a website.
3. Participate your knowledge in related field of your website.
4. Provide useful information that benefits your readers.
5. Be active and communicate with your audience.
These typical and old link building strategies are not very easy to accomplish since every once in a while you will need to increase the backlinks pointing out to your website as part of your internet marketing and because of the complexity of those strategies Black Hat SEO was developed.
Black Hat SEO is a practice of unethical link building approach where its main purpose is to increase a website visibility on the internet without even bothering the consequences of being penalized or derank in PageRank of a website by search engines.
Rules in Black Hat SEO:
That's right. Black Hat SEO
follows no rules and its purpose to creating backlinks is only to increase the visibility of a website. Google does not like Black Hat SEO approach and if it has been applied to a website, that website has to be prepared when Google hits on it.
That's right. Black Hat SEO
Website links popularity takes a lot of effort and time before it achieves its goal to be the number one in search engines search results and white hat seo is the best practice and advisable to apply on a website if your business is planning to stay on top the competition in your industry.