With this craze you can see there are many new players coming and they want to beat other records in the game, but they can't. Do to so they've to play game and win its tasks and also they've to go to pokestops a real world in game to get free in-game items.
However! Pokémon creators are generating tons of many every single day now, because many players pay them to lead from others and they make money easily.
What if you can start earning money
I know its pretty impressive to you, but trust me!! many folks or you can say Pokémoners or making money playing their favorite game.
Is That Possible To Earn Money Playing Pokémon?
Many players of Pokémon Go are selling their high level game accounts, even their Gmails to earn instant money.Yes!
The Wall Street Journal says that there are over 100 Pokémon Go accounts for sale Friday; a level 21 with five powerful Pokémon was going for $600 ( around A$792).This is the trick, what you've to do is just play the game and complete tasks > get high levels in your profile and sell it to other newbie or needy gamers.
You can also sell your accounts on Ebay
Please NOTE: Selling your account might be against the game's policy, so do it with caution.
Again if you want to make money with Pokemon new worldwide game GO than please be careful as this trick can be against your countries, game developers or account holder's law.
It is advised to think before doing this, but many gamers are doing this to make huge money just by playing the crazy game Pokémon Go.