Some people are saying that link building is no longer needed and SEOs must focus on link earning to rank higher in SERP rather than link building
. However, this is not something we should just give up on because there are still a lot of benefits that SEO has to offer such as:
For local business, citation is one of the effective ways to promote a small business online in a selected area where the target audience
of the business are. It is also one of the ways to acquire a long term back-links for a website which is good for SEO.
Blog commenting
One of the old ways to build back-links is blog commenting but since the update of Google algorithm, the link value coming from blog comments are now being decreased. But the strategy is still alive and many SEOs are still practicing blog commenting in order to build links.
Guest blog posting
Guest posting is one of the toughest link building strategy because the competition on blog posting is more about content; how popular a blog post is, how many visitors and comment a blog post has.
It is also important to post only on related niche of your website to ensure that you will only be focusing only on related websites and maintain the consistency of the knowledge that you are sharing on each blog post.
Social Signals
One of the easiest and fastest ways to increase the popularity
of a website is to be shared by many people in your network through social media and social bookmarks. The more connections you have, the higher the chances that your links will be seen by many people including your target audience.
Link building is not dead, it is just getting more complicated as Google keeps on improving their SERP to benefit the searchers and what we can do to help search engines provide what they need is to follow their guidelines, promote content that are beneficial to our readers and never spam.