Have you ever thought of driving engagement
and qualified traffic
in order to grow your brand from LinkedIn?
Undoubtedly, LinkedIn has not been leveraged upon much by most of us for creating a market presence. However, it is the time that we realize, LinkedIn is an exceptional platform to build networks
with like-minded professionals. According to LinkedIn statistics, there are almost 414 million active users with 100 million monthly unique members visiting LinkedIn platform. These huge numbers mean huge opportunities.
Why LinkedIn Gets Ignored
If you haven’t thought of using LinkedIn for running an ad campaign then you are not alone for sure. LinkedIn often gets overlooked by media planners and marketers because of some misconceptions and challenges. They are as follows:
- Since LinkedIn focuses on business connection, therefore, marketers tend to think of using it for B2B only.
- LinkedIn is neither a typical social networking site nor a true content platform.
- LinkedIn lacks the integration of professional bid management sites.
- When compared with Google and Facebook, LinkedIn’s audience is much smaller.
How will this blog benefit you?
- By the end of this blog, you will be able to get loads of likes on your LinkedIn update.
- You will be able to grow your reach with LinkedIn Pulse.
4 Super-Easy Trick to Grow your LinkedIn Network
Let us get started with these super easy hacks…
1. Grow your LinkedIn network
If you are a smart marketer, then you must build a large LinkedIn network.
The LinkedIn news feed algorithm
is transparent and you don’t have to dive in to keep your LinkedIn profile at the top. The updates you are ‘liking’ will be shared with the network of your LinkedIn account. If these connections ‘like’ your status updates, their connections are going to see that update. Therefore, if you are having 15,000 connections on LinkedIn, then the probability of your connections clicking the ‘like’ button on your updates is going to be high and that their connections will also ‘like’ on your updates.
The LinkedIn algorithm is as lamely simple. It is going to show your updates to all your connections.
You cannot search for updates on LinkedIn. Yes, not even with advanced search too.
People who are not connected with you on LinkedIn will not be able to see your updates. Therefore, the more connections you have, the better are the chances of receiving a huge number of likes on your updates.
More connections = More likes
So, go on and add connections to see result multiply over time. Oh btw, don’t just keep on adding random people. Quality connections are the deciding factor here.
Million dollar learning: Add only those whom you know and wish to know. Don’t add those really annoying sales spammers, recruiting agencies, or XYZ people.
Adding 10 times more connections mean you will see 10 times more engagement.
After having this done, the battle is only half done.
2. Post engrossing updates to LinkedIn
If you will not post interesting updates and often, you will rank high on LinkedIn. Did we mention, by often, it means 1 to 3 times a day?
Now this is interesting. The battle for improving LinkedIn profile doesn’t start from LinkedIn but from Twitter. This is because you need to try out a lot of different updates on Twitter. For instance, 15 tweets a day. Some of your posts will get more engagement (like retweets, likes, favorites etc). Whereas some will be average and others will rot. Here, we will have to focus on the winners.
The best out of the lot is transported from Twitter to LinkedIn. You can do this by using Twitter analytics and pick your top posts which will be only 5 to 10 percent of the top-performing Twitter updates. These will have tweets that people replied to, retweeted, and liked.
By using the top stuff from Twitter as a guide for your LinkedIn updates, you can effectively do this. Since there is a high probability that the content that worked for Twitter will work for LinkedIn as well.
3. Attention to LinkedIn Pulse
LinkedIn Pulse is one of the best features of LinkedIn people have ignored along with news feed curation service and LinkedIn’ content app.
You can use LinkedIn Pulse to blog and easily get a few thousands of views. As per LinkedIn’s latest figures, there are more than a million people have published on LinkedIn and over 1,30,000 posts are published each week, along with an average post reaching LinkedIn members in nine countries and 21 industries.
At times, LinkedIn articles perform really well turning an average donkey to a unicorn. People see 50,000 and even millions of views.
You too can get these many views.
But how?
You will just have to get your content published on a Pulse channel. LinkedIn Pulse has various channels that have many followers. Some of the most interesting ones are Marketing & Advertising, Entrepreneurship, Technology, Big Ideas & Innovation, and Leadership & Management.
Doesn’t matter if you have only a few hundreds of followers on LinkedIn then Pulse is the platform you can gain a massive audience from.
How can you get your blog post featured on a channel?
LinkedIn Pulse categorizes your content on the basis of an analysis of the text of your article. This is the old-school SEO method. You just have to put the keyword in the title and all throughout the article. That’s simple yet effective!
Still thinking on how can you optimize your profile in order to increase the visibility of your profile?
4. Digital Vidya’s LinkedIn Profile Optimization Task
Everyone can perform this LinkedIn profile optimization task
which is a 3 hour long, having 14 steps. By the end this task, you will be able to attract prospective customers and grow your LinkedIn network which will help you gain visibility.
Which LinkedIn optimization trick worked for you? Share with us in the comment section below!