In SEO, there are few types of visitors to a website that we always look at to analyze which strategies that we are doing are still working and not working. We have organic visitors
, social media referrals, ads campaign visitors, direct visitors and email referrals. If all are properly maintained and established, we can drive an over expected amount of traffic to our website in just a short period of time.
But let’s pay attention to organic visitors which is what off-page SEO is about. In the old days of SEO, we always say ''the more links we have, the more chances our website will appear in SERP''. But Google has changed so as the SEO. Google is so dedicated to providing what exactly the needs of people are in terms of search and if Google tolerates SEO practices which violate webmaster's guidelines, Google will not be able to provide what exactly is being searched for by the searcher.
When Google rolled out their major algorithm updates, a lot of websites have lost their rankings and obviously, organic visitors which is a pain in the neck of many webmasters. But how do you increase your organic visitors after being hit by the update? Here's how:
Know what to write
- Google loves content and in SEO industry, content is actually the competition and not only links. If you can produce a much better content than your previous content, you can once again gain the trust of Google. Assuming that all are unique, useful to readers and an evergreen content! The term "don’t write content for the sake of having content" is actually means don’t write content for specific period of time. If you can provide how to produce an evergreen content, this will help you stand out in the long run. But this is quite difficult though, however, no one can gain something without sacrificing anything.
Figure out who to write for - There are two types of content
. One is for search engines and one for humans.
- Content for search engines - Typically, these are the types of content that are mainly written to attract the bots to visit a website and to index the newly written content. It is to maintain the crawl and update frequency of the website. However, it does not matter if your content will provide useful information to its readers as it is only for search engine. Also, some of these contents might have been violated the Google webmaster’s guidelines by applying of keyword stuffing, cloaking or doorway pages.
- Content for humans - Obviously, these are the types of content that are mainly written to benefit the end readers and providing them the answers on what they need and looking for. Articles for the sake of humans are definitely high quality, unique and with sufficient information which completes the ingredients in an article. Also, this is what Google recommend every time I think about what happened in Panda and penguin update. Google once said "don’t write for search engines" and "don’t over optimize your website".
Claim Authorship Mark-up - To engage more people click on your SERP, photo of the author is absolutely important. Everyone likes to take pictures of themselves, family, friends and even their pets. If your professional photo will appear right next to your post, there is a higher possibility that your website will standout compare to other's who don't have. Your organic visitors will increase and your authorship rank will gain credibility.
Intelligently use your target keyword - To have your content only focus on a particular topic, you must include your keyword or at least partial of your keyword in title, body, rich snippets and tags. This is to help search engine identify what your website is about. So if someone searches in Google with your target keyword, you might have a chance to appear in SERP which will increase your organic traffic. But be careful with using your keyword as you might unintentionally exhaust them and your content could violate search engine guidelines.
Focusing in social media or ads campaign is not enough to make your business stand out in your industry. Although these are good source of traffic, it would be much better if you have organic visitors to your website as this will tell you how your off-page optimization
is doing and competing with your competitors in search engines view.