Prisma works much like a filter app, but these are not simple filters we are talking about. The app uses neural networks and artificial intelligence to analyze the image and provide an intricate design unlike what the other mundane filter apps can do. In essence, it seems like Prisma strikes a balance between Instagram’s user friendliness and Google’s Deep Dream algorithm
And though there actually is much science involved, the Prisma app is as easy to use as they get. We are not sure how the Android interface will look, but we doubt it will be much different from what we see in iOS. It does look much like Instagram; there’s a big circular shutter button on the bottom, a flash toggle, an option to switch cameras, a settings shortcut and access to your current photo library.
Simply take a picture or select an existing one, crop, and look around to see which of the effects you prefer. Once you select one, the app will work its magic for a few seconds and you will see your masterpiece concluded. It’s easy to fine-tune the image by sliding from your finger horizontally across the image. This changes the intensity of the edits.

Got an iOS device? You can go ahead and check out Prisma by downloading it from the Apple App Store. Maybe you can share your creations in the comments section! The rest of us will have to wait until “later this month” to get it on Android.